Tuesday, February 9, 2010




A  handful of 7 year old children were  asked  'What they thought of beer'. Some interesting  responses, but the  last one is especially touching.

'I think beer must   be good. My dad says the more beer he  drinks the prettier my mum   gets.'

--Tim, 7 years  old

'Beer  makes my dad  sleepy and we get to watch  what we want on television when he is   asleep, so beer is nice.  '

--Mellanie, 7 years   old

'My Mum and Dad   both like beer. My Mum gets funny when she  drinks it and takes her top  off at  parties, but Dad doesn't think this is very  funny.'

--Grady,  7 years  old

''My  Mum and Dad  talk funny when they drink  beer and the more they drink the more they   give kisses to each other, which is  a good thing.'

--Toby, 7 years   old

'My Dad gets funny   on beer. He is funny. He also wets his  pants sometimes, so he  shouldn't have  too much.

--Sarah, 7 years  old

'My Dad  loves beer.  The more he drinks, the better  he dances. One time he danced right   into the pool.'

--Lilly, 7 years  old

'I  don't like beer  very much. Every time Dad  drinks it, he burns the sausages on the   barbecue and they taste  disgusting.'

--Ethan, 7 years   old

'I give Dad's beer   to the dog and he goes to  sleep.'

--Shirley, 7 years   old


'My Mum drinks beer   and she says silly things and picks on  my father. Whenever she drinks  beer she  yells at Dad and tells him to go bury his  bone down the  street again, but that  doesn't make any sense.'

--Jack, 7   years




  1. lmao. who is that guy sticking his tongue out at ya?

  2. He is a good friend LOL. and nah it's not Willy Nelson. ROFLOL

  3. What a great photo - nice colour!! Also the perspective - has almost a 3D depth to it. Thiose comments - great. I do often wonder though if children say these things or if adults make them up to put a poit across but not to deminish what is said - just I always think about that when reading such things. I often wonder why people wouold ask children such things. To me a strange thing to ask a child.

  4. 'Went to a garden party~~

    must be that Aussie beer...taste didn't set well with him?....lol

  5. I understand what you mean Keith and yes this was another of those emails, however if you ever ease drop on what children say to each other or even to their teachers, sometimes you will laugh merrily to yourself, because they are so frank and honest when speaking about what goes on around them. Out of the mouths of babes is truly a mirror of the society and culture these babes belong to..thanks for the photo critique appreciated.

  6. lol Dana it was directed at me because I was happy snapping again lol...all in fun of course.

  7. Is that you at the back twiddling your toes searching for something?
    A bone perhaps? lol

  8. My golfing partner doesn't play good without his beer. He usually pops one on the third hole. I encourage him to open one on the first hole. My wife's niece's four year old told his grandpa the other day, " I just don't like OLD PEOPLE that drink beer." His dad is a preacher. Hugs.............

  9. beer is protein...every buddy needs that some times...we enjoy our birth days with beer drinks...nothing wrong...SANAT, CHICAGO.

  10. Art Linkletter (USA) asked many questions of youngsters on his shows back in the day ... some of the questions (even then) had double meaning that were played upon, so that question is light-weight - even for your side of the pond ... and I love the word "mum" and your spelling-pronounciation for "colour" ... many woofs!
